2nd September 2019
Before a construction project starts on site, the Client has a specific duty under the Construction (Design & Management) Regulations 2015, to notify the enforcing authority for health and safety, should the project meet any of the following criteria: i) The construction phase is likely to last longer than 500-person days, or ii) Last longer…
26th August 2019
In short, a CDM Consultant (also known as a CDM Advisor) is a construction health and safety professional who provides advice, assistance and guidance to duty holders under the Construction (Design & Management) Regulations 2015, to ensure they comply with their statutory duties and that health and safety is an integral part of the project.
22nd August 2019
As a designer, under the CDM Regulations you must critically assess your design proposals at the start and throughout the design process. A good designers risk assessment should identify the hazards and evaluate the risks that may arise from the design. Dependent upon the hazard and level of risk, designers are encouraged firstly to eliminate…
16th August 2019
The Construction (Design & Management) Regulations 2015 require that suitable arrangements are in place to ensure that sites are regularly checked, particularly as the nature of construction sites regularly change.
24th June 2019
If you are a Contractor looking to manage and carry out building work, you will most definitely need to consider the development of a Construction Phase Plan. Regardless of the size, nature, the duration, the number of workers, the number of contractors involved and the risks associated with your project, if you are planning to…
30th November 2017
The CDM Regulations 2015 came into force on 6th April 2015 and replaced the CDM Regulations 2007; these being the main set of regulations for managing the health, safety and welfare on construction projects. The CDM Regulations apply to all building and construction work and includes new build, demolition, refurbishment, extensions, conversions, repair and maintenance….
11th October 2017
Well, we would all probably agree that the demolition of a block of flats, the construction of a school, the refurbishment of a hotel or an extension to a doctor’s surgery is construction work; that seems pretty obvious. So how about replacing your bathroom suite, painting and decorating a Care Home lounge, removing asbestos from…
5th April 2017
This article looks at some of the key health and safety considerations when carrying out refurbishment works within Care Homes, however, it is not intended to be inclusive of all potential issues, which may be encountered. When considering whether to have refurbishment works undertaken within your Care Home, it isn’t as straight forward as arranging…
28th March 2017
The Building Operation and Maintenance Manual, is a document which is developed and compiled during the construction phase of a project and is handed over to the Client, or End User on completion. The Building Manual contains information regarding the operation, maintenance, decommissioning and subsequent demolition of a building or structure. The Building Manual is usually compiled by the…
10th March 2017
On a construction project where there is likely to be more than one trade Contractor, the Client has a duty to appoint a Principal Designer. The primary role of the Principal Designer is to coordinate the health and safety aspects of the pre-construction phase. Sometimes it is difficult to know who should take on this…
Working Together To Improve Construction Health & Safety