Marpal have recently become members of the National Association for Safety and Health in Care Services (NASHiCS). The Association focuses on many aspects of health and safety affecting the Care Services Sector.
The Association and its Members deal with regulatory bodies such the HSE; along with topics including transport for the disabled, communicable disease control, Legionella, fall prevention, manual handling techniques, restraint, hot water, dealing with aggression, lifting aids, fire safety, asbestos, stress, first-aid, to safety training and building design.
NASHiCS’s mission is to promote and improve safety and health in care practice by providing a sharing and networking forum to encourage the development and adoption of the highest professional standards across the Care Sector.
On 10th May, representatives from our Fire Safety, Asbestos Management and CDM Departments attended a successful and very informative NASHiCS health and safety forum in Cardiff. Speakers included the Assistant Chief Inspector for Care and Social Services Inspectorate Wales, HSE’s Head of Health & Social Care Services Unit as well as covering topics such as legionella and fire safety.
The Cardiff health and safety forum proved to be a fantastic opportunity to meet representatives working within all aspects of the Care Services. The Association stands for everything Marpal believes in; improving and promoting safety and health.