• 3rd August 2020

    Is the Asbestos in my Building Safe? Regulation 4 of the Control of Asbestos Regs 2012 is the duty to “Manage”. This means that the person responsible for managing or maintaining a non–domestic property, has the duty to manage any Asbestos Containing Materials (ACMs) present within their building. To be able to manage any ACMs…

  • 14th July 2020

    Have I Got Asbestos? Any building constructed prior to October 1999 has the potential to include Asbestos Containing Materials (ACMs). Buildings constructed in the 1960’s and 70’s are highly likely to contain ACMs, as usage peaked in these decades, with an estimated 180,000 Tonnes of raw Asbestos imported into the UK each year. Asbestos fibres…

  • Who Is Most at Risk from Exposure to Asbestos
    10th October 2019

    Asbestos Containing Materials (ACMs) were finally banned in 1999. Historically, workers in the building, construction, shipbuilding, railway, and car industries were at particularly high risk of developing Asbestos diseases such as Asbestosis, Lung Cancer and Mesothelioma. Any exposure to Asbestos increases a person’s chance of contracting an Asbestos-related disease. Such diseases can take many years…

  • How to get Asbestos Tested
    26th September 2019

    As a Contractor working within buildings that were constructed before 2000, you are highly likely to come into contact with Asbestos containing materials (ACMs). If left undisturbed, materials containing Asbestos are perfectly safe; however, should they become disturbed or damaged for whatever reason and there is a release of fibres, these fibres – if inhaled…

  • Do I Need A Fire Risk Assessment & An Asbestos Survey_
    30th August 2019

    To ensure that your property is compliant, you will have to undertake a fire risk assessment and assess the potential risks associated from the exposure to asbestos containing materials. Each requirement falls under separate pieces of legislation, but are equally as important so as to safeguard those occupying your premises and to make sure that…

  • 26th July 2019

    For those who own or control buildings, asbestos management is a duty that you’re required by law to carry out, and there’s a very good reason for this. Asbestos can pose a real threat to health, with a host of potential diseases attributable to exposure.

  • So, You Think You’ve Found An Asbestos Containing Material: What Now?
    22nd July 2019

    The Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 imposes duties on those who own or have control of a property to manage asbestos. This means that in instances where such materials have been found, it’s down to the duty holder to make sure it’s properly taken care of.

  • 15th December 2016

    If you are a commercial building owner, an employer or you are responsible for managing construction, maintenance or repair works on a building, you have a legal duty to manage any asbestos in it, so as to protect people from the exposure to asbestos fibres (under Regulation 4 of the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012)….