29th July 2020
The Use of Oxygen – Oxygen is naturally occurring within the air we breath, it is odourless, colourless and a tasteless gas that is slightly heavier than air. Oxygen gas is not flammable, however, if released in to the atmosphere within a building, it will enrich normal atmospheric content levels and would accelerate a fires…
4th November 2019
Do My Staff Need Fire Safety Training? It is particularly important to ensure that staff who have responsibilities in the event of a fire are suitable trained on the actions to be adopted. This is a specific requirement under The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005, which states that property owners, or those who are…
18th July 2016
The evacuation of Care Homes in case of fire is often difficult, as a high proportion of the residents are usually either physically or neurologically impaired (or both). Whilst progressive evacuation is the preferred fire evacuation strategy for most Care Homes (moving residents to relatively safe fire compartments within the Home rather than immediately evacuating…
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