• 9th July 2020

    The Query  I recently received a phone call from a member of our Health and Safety Competent Person Scheme.  The query was one that I’ve advised on many occasions over the years. So, it dawned on me that it would probably be useful to share this advice. Acting as a Principal Contractor, the Site Manager…

  • 23rd December 2019

    First Aid Requirements On A Construction Site Those working on construction sites face many significant hazards and the likelihood of accidents occurring are significantly more likely, than say, compared to an office environment. It is therefore imperative that should accidents occur, that first aid is given to someone who is injured (or fallen ill), as…

  • What should be included within a CDM Health and Safety File
    28th November 2019

    Do I Need A Health & Safety File? A Health and Safety File has to be prepared for all construction projects where there is more than one Contractor; this is a specific requirement of The Construction (Design & Management) Regulations 2015. The whole purpose of the CDM Health and Safety File is to ensure that…

  • What Should Be Included Within A CDM Construction Phase Plan?
    10th November 2019

    What Is A CDM Construction Phase Plan? The Construction Phase Plan, also referred to as a CPP, is a document that sets out the health and safety management arrangements for a project and must include specific measures on how the significant risks associated with the project are intended to be managed; this is an explicit…

  • Do the CDM regulations apply to my construction project
    18th October 2019

    Whether you are a Client, Contractor or Designer, if you own a business in the construction industry, then you are likely to have come across the CDM Regulations. CDM stands for Construction (Design and Management) and is the main set of legislation for managing health, safety and welfare on construction projects. It is regularly updated,…

  • When is a Project Notifiable under the CDM Regulations 2015
    2nd September 2019

    Before a construction project starts on site, the Client has a specific duty under the Construction (Design & Management) Regulations 2015, to notify the enforcing authority for health and safety, should the project meet any of the following criteria: i) The construction phase is likely to last longer than 500-person days, or ii) Last longer…

  • What is a CDM Consultant and do I need one
    26th August 2019

    In short, a CDM Consultant (also known as a CDM Advisor) is a construction health and safety professional who provides advice, assistance and guidance to duty holders under the Construction (Design & Management) Regulations 2015, to ensure they comply with their statutory duties and that health and safety is an integral part of the project.

  • CDM Compliance - How To Create A Design Risk Assessment
    22nd August 2019

    As a designer, under the CDM Regulations you must critically assess your design proposals at the start and throughout the design process. A good designers risk assessment should identify the hazards and evaluate the risks that may arise from the design. Dependent upon the hazard and level of risk, designers are encouraged firstly to eliminate…

  • How often should a Site Safety Inspection be carried out
    16th August 2019

    The Construction (Design & Management) Regulations 2015 require that suitable arrangements are in place to ensure that sites are regularly checked, particularly as the nature of construction sites regularly change.